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Single Incision Gastric sleeve by Dr Nagi Jean Safa in Beirut Lebanon

Single Incision Gastric sleeve by Dr Nagi Jean Safa

Single Incision Gastric sleeve updates in Beirut, Lebanon. Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive operation that promotes weight loss by restricting your food intake and reducing hunger pangs. The operation is also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, or simply sleeve gastrectomy and involves reducing the stomach size to anywhere between 20 and 30 percent of its original size. One of the major advantage of the gastric sleeve surgery is that the patient experiences a considerable level of restriction almost immediately after the procedure, without the need to make manual adjustments, as is the case in gastric banding.

In Lebanon, laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most popular ways of treating morbid obesity. With the development of bariatric surgical procedures, came the emergence of minimally invasive weight-loss surgery and advanced surgical equipment. Currently, all bariatric surgical procedures, are commonly performed via the laparoscopic technique, in which we make few tiny incisions in the tummy, rather than making a long cut across the abdomen to allow for the passage of the necessary surgical instruments.

Laparoscopic techniques are undeniably minimally invasive, but there have been recently more developments in non-invasive methods, that allow us to make just a single incision rather than four to five. It is now possible to perform sleeve gastrectomy by making just a single tiny cut in the belly area. Unlike the traditional multi-incision laparoscopic weight loss surgery, single incision gastric sleeve surgery is performed via one small surgical incision at or near the umbilicus, allowing the patient to feel much more comfortable after the surgery.

Single Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy

With the single incision gastric sleeve, Dr Safa is able to reduce your stomach size to up to 20 percent of the original size by making just a single cut, usually less than 3 centimeters, in the bellybutton area, which will increase the patient’s comfort and reduce scarring levels and recovery time.

Single incision sleeve gastrectomy differs from traditional laparoscopic surgery in the manner in which we carry out the operation: the cosmetic results of the single incision procedure are much better, since it involves just a small tiny cut in the bellybutton area, which is barely noticeable afterwards.

Who Is the Right Candidate for Single Incision Gastric sleeve?

It is important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for single incision sleeve gastrectomy. This minimally invasive procedure is recommended to individuals who:

  1. Are overweight/obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or less
  2. Have not had a previous abdominal surgical procedure performed.
  3. Have not accumulated excessive amounts of fat in their midsection.
  4. Are concerned about the appearance of their body after surgery

Advantages of the Single Incision Gastric sleeve

  1. Requires just a single incision in the bellybutton area
  2. Leaves a scar that’s barely visible
  3. The recovery time is relatively short
  4. There is less post-surgery discomfort
  5. The risk of wound infection is reduced
  6. There is minimum pain after surgery
  7. It is a less invasive operation that leaves your body more aesthetically pleasing.
  8. It boosts rapid weight loss just like the traditional gastric sleeve surgery.

Cons of the Single Incision Gastric sleeve

  1. Although single incision gastric sleeve surgery has many benefits, it is a complex technique. Technically, it is extremely hard to examine the various organs around the abdomen with just a single incision. However, placing the cut in or near the bellybutton increases the space considerably.
  2. Depending on your liver size, a second tiny cut could be required to keep the liver out of harm.

Cost of the Single Incision Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The cost of single incision sleeve gastrectomy in Lebanon can be very discouraging. Unlike traditional laparoscopic procedures, single incision gastric sleeve carry out a higher cost of surgical instruments. The need for many single-use (disposable) devices (trocars, graspers, etc.) makes it less affordable. Besides, in Lebanon, insurance companies and the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) do not cover the cost of these instruments.

In conclusion, if you are obese and seeking surgical intervention but still worried about post-surgery scarring, then single incision gastric sleeve surgery may be an exciting option for you.
