Weight loss is a common issue all over the globe. Numerous people have employed a myriad of methods and technologies that seem to be promising but have failed to lose weight. Some of those who were successful with time gained back weight once their dieting stopped. Failure often leads to frustration. It is therefore not an easy task to achieve positive results in losing weight.
However, there are some surprising and commonly overlooked reasons why losing weight can be quite challenging.
This article attempts to expound on three very surprising reasons why many people do not lose weight.
1- A Perfectly Healthy Body
People usually predetermine the amount of weight they wish to lose. However, no existing scientific knowledge or wisdom proves this is the exact certain amount of weight that they should loose. When losing weight becomes impossible, there is a very high chance that a person’s body does not need to lose any weight. This is a fact that many people do not know and understand. As much as an individual may think he needs to diet or workout, the body’s science and wisdom of life may indicate otherwise.
People’s weights may just be fine. They should avoid forcing them to get to places that they do not need to go. If the reason for pushing so hard is to feel more acceptable, such people should look at the root causes of their predicament, what exactly is making them feel unacceptable. It will perhaps be best for them to spend more time learning to not only accept but also love their bodies.
2- The Body Requires Extra Weight
Another surprising reason why losing weight becomes impossible is because instead of the body having extra weight, it may need more. It might not be true for many, but this issue applies to thin people who believe they need to lose weight. This problem arises from the general perception that thinner is always better.
There are occasions that the body requires adding more weight. Some of the reasons for this may include the need to achieve emotional protection or to create a sense of grounding and stability. The weather also plays a big role; during winter, many people are genetically predisposed to add weight. The climatic influence is not only limited to human beings alone but also to other mammals.
According to the Dynamic Eating Psychology, individuals should learn to thank their bodies. This will help them to view their bodies in a new light. As much as a person may not completely comprehend it, it is important to follow the wisdom of the body. The body may be doing someone a great service by making all efforts of losing weight futile.
3- Wisdom of Life
The body’s well-being is not only affected by lifestyle and nutrition. Other unseen factors play a significant role in how the body functions. Unknown to many, extra weight may be as a result of deeper lessons that a person needs to learn like humility, unconditional self-love or patience. The body serves a spiritual teacher. People need to stop and listen to it.
The Institute for Psychology of Eating describes the body as a mirror for one’s greatest life lessons. The way an individual relates to his body is a reflection of how he treats himself. People whose weight loss programs have failed should ask themselves what their reaction are when things fail to go the way they wanted; do they yell and punish themselves or acknowledge and move forward?
Having a body that is not matching someone’s ideal physique may be a teaching that the person needs to mature beyond people’s demands and perfectionism. It is hard to understand life, but there exist subtle clues that provide guidance. People with weight issues believe that they will start living when they are “thin enough.” This is a bad perception; they should start living and allow their bodies to respond to the life they will be leading. When the dust settles, such a person may end up realizing that he is living the life he wanted, and weight was just an obstacle on the road, a detour that made him swerve off the road that leads to joy and personal satisfaction.