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Maintain Weight-loss After Bariatric Surgery

Maintain Weight-loss After Bariatric Surgery

Some people are able to keep track of their weight. They work out and diet in order to control their weight. But other people find it very difficult to reduce or maintain weight-loss even with active lifestyles and dieting.

Lebanon and the Middle East in general have not been spared by the rising wave of obesity that is being observed in most developed countries in the world. In fact, obesity is even more widespread here because of the cultural norms and the inactive lifestyles most people find themselves living. Almost everyone has a vehicle and people rarely walk anywhere.

While this in itself isn’t really bad, the rise in intake of fats and foods packed with calories in a region where physical activity is not emphasized makes increasing obesity inevitable.

While obesity affects people irrespective of gender or age, women are more at risk of developing obesity. This is because of the cultural perceptions of acceptable female occupations and behavior in and outside the home.

This is especially true for people who are also genetically predisposed to weight gain. As a result such people find themselves gaining more and more weight and ultimately, they become overweight or obese.



Why Bariatric Surgery?

This is where bariatric surgery comes in. Bariatric or weight loss surgery is intended to enable severely obese patients lose significant amounts of their excess weight and maintain this weight loss long-term.

Moderately obese people who have obesity related health complications like Type 2 diabetes, GERD and high blood pressure can also benefit from weight loss surgery.

So if you have been trying to lose weight through exercise and strict dieting but still cannot maintain sustained weight loss or if you are moderately obese but suffered from obesity related complications that are difficult to maintain with medication, perhaps it is time to consider bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery as a treatment for morbid obesity has also been very effective in the improvement and even the resolution of some conditions like Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Majority of obese patients who also suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure have achieved a significant improvement or reversal of their conditions to a point where they no longer have to depend on medication after undergoing weight loss procedures.

However, it is important to understand that bariatric surgery is not a sort of miracle cure for weight loss. When you opt for bariatric surgery, you must be fully committed to to maintain weight-loss with a healthy active lifestyle before and after the surgery in order to fully benefit from a surgical weight loss program.

If you do not maintain a strict diet as well as regular physical exercise, the weight will definitely come back.

Below are some of the things you can do before and after the surgery in order to maintain long-term weight loss and better health.



Before Surgery Day

If possible, you should begin exercising weeks or even months before the day you are scheduled for surgery. This will help you reduce weight and at least keep your heart in great shape and minimize complications come surgery day. You will also be setting an exercise schedule that you can resume post-surgery.

You can jog, walk, run, swim or engage in any other type of physical activity. If you can afford it, you can even invest in a home exercising machine. However, remember to take it slow. Don’t over exert you body; you will need your energy after the surgery.



Two or Three Days Hospital Recovery Time

After your bariatric surgery, you will need to stay in hospital for a day or a few days in order to regain your energy before you are released to go home. This will obviously depend on the type of surgery you choose. If you are undergoing a laparoscopic surgery, you may even walk out of the hospital a few hours after surgery.

During your hospital stay, don’t strain. Try as much as you can to turn and shift in position, but there is no need to exert yourself at this time. You can do breathing exercises and try to sit up and shift position till you can stand or walk slowly. This will aid in blood circulation and prevent blood clots.



During the Home Recovery Period

During your two to six weeks recovery at home, you will need to stay active. Don’t stay in bed or sit down for too long. Try as much as possible to move around the house, climb stairs and take walks. This will enable you regain your strength faster.

Start slow and gradually build up endurance during the following weeks. Just listen to your body. When you get tired; rest and regain your strength. Avoid swimming exercises until your wounds have fully healed.



Maintain weight-loss After Full Recovery

Once your bariatric surgeon clears you and declares that you are fit to participate in any kind of exercise, choose an exercise you like and create schedule that you can easily stick to.

Regular exercise will not only aid in weight loss, it will also help you build muscle as you lose the excess fat. In the long-term, regular exercises will keep your arteries and your heart healthy and improve your general well being and to maintain weight-loss.

For more information about how to maintain weight-loss, obesity or any other questions about bariatric surgery, contact us today. Feel free to ask any questions.

At Advanced BMI, we are always excited to help you to maintain weight-loss nevertheless guide your path to a lighter, more confident you and a healthier life.


Author Info

Pamela Safi
