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Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty Liver Disease

What is obesity?

Obesity is now considered a disease. Obesity may lead the human body to even more sickness. Bariatric surgery is a solution to this health condition. Obese individuals who are undergoing bariatric procedures are finding tremendous results with their weight loss journey. Furthermore, a lot of awareness is being raised on obesity and all of the diseases that come associated with it or caused by it. As mentioned above, obesity leads to more illnesses in the human body, such as: hypertension, liver disease, heart disease, diabetes,  fatty liver disease and even cancer. Obesity is not a superficial medical problem, it is in fact a serious health condition that leads to many other health complications.



What is Fatty Liver Disease?

Studies show that Obesity also leads to Fatty Liver Disease. Fatty Liver Disease is the accumulation of fat on the liver. There are many factors to this disease such as: alcohol and obesity. It is often thought that alcohol is the most common reason behind it. However, individuals with abdomen obesity have been suffering from fatty liver disease, with obesity being a major factor. Based on a study made in Mumbai, 60% of fatty liver cases are that of non-alcoholics. It is also referred to as Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

An unbalanced diet with high intake of fat, cholesterol and carbs is strongly related to Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

In addition, fatty liver disease leads to liver failure on the long run.

Fatty Liver disease is mostly common in: obese patients or simply overweight patients, patients who have type 2 diabetes, patients who have high cholesterol, patients who smoke and patients over the age of 50.



Is bariatric surgery a solution?

Bariatric surgery is now considered a treatment for fatty liver disease. Individuals who suffer from fatty liver disease are finding great results after undergoing a bariatric surgery regarding their liver disease.

The evaluation of overweight and obese people is measured with the BMI equation, Body Mass Index. Dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters, and then dividing the answer by the height in meters again will give the BMI (BMI = weight in kilograms/height2 in meters). A BMi less than 30 can be managed with patients going on healthy diets and changing their lifestyle and exercise. Individuals with a BMI higher than 30 are subjected to bariatric surgery or laparoscopic weight loss procedures. Bariatric surgery is not for all individuals, it is for individuals who meet the specific criteria. It is also important to mention that Bariatric surgery is not a cosmetic one. Bariatric surgery is not just for weight loss, it is now performed in order to reduce health problems that come associated with obesity.

Bariatric Surgery is not always the first option to be taken. The decision to undertake bariatric surgery is not an easy one. Therefore, one must always try to go for the non-surgical solution such as diets, exercise and changing their lifestyle as a first option. If that does not work then bariatric surgeries can be performed.

In conclusion, bariatric surgery is not just a solution to obesity. Bariatric surgeries such as: Gastric plication, Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass; a manipulation of the stomach to minimize food consumption; are now a solution to Fatty Liver Disease as well.

For more information on bariatric surgery and fatty liver disease do not hesitate to Contact us .



Author Info

Diyala Elchakieh
