Compulsive eating and comfort food. If you do, you are definitely in good company....
Weight-Loss Surgery: the first Consultation The very first step towards bariatric surgery is the...
لقد أثبتت جراحة البدانة انها تحدّ بشكل كبير من خطر الاصابة بمرض السرطان عند...
Gastric Sleeve Vs Gastric Bypass: What is the Difference and what’s best option for...
Severe Obesity: When Surgical Intervention is a Necessity Obesity is a serious health concern....
Sometimes, it is not easy to get rid of anxiety before surgery, because it...
Weight-loss surgery Misconceptions and lack of understanding that exists among the general public and...
According to a new study about obesity and cancer carried out by a team...
Obesity is currently considered a major public health concern and a global epidemic, and...
World Obesity Day is observed globally each year on the 11th of October. This...