Lebanon (961) 76 377 376 | info@advancedbmi.com

Good health is desired by all. Most people know that a healthy lifestyle and exercise will preserve a good shape. What type of exercise should I do? What type of diet should I follow? These are questions asked by many since they may not know where to start from. Others may have diseases which they ignore how to cope with.

At Advanced BMI, we provide the latest Health news in Beirut Lebanon, that will guide you in becoming healthy and maintaining an excellent physical shape.

We deliver the latest news related to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer among others. You will be informed on how to deal with such diseases, including the diets to follow. You will also have access to the newest evidence about nutrition, exercise and fitness, general health, and weight loss surgery. If you need more help, you can fill in the Patient Questionnaire and our medical team will answer your specific request.
