كثير من الدراسات اكدت ان تناول من 3-6 وجبات يومياً مناسب للكثير من الأشخاص،...
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اذا كنت من الاشخاص الذين تحدوا انفسهم وخاضوا معركة فقدان الوزن وحققوا الهدف، فقد...
حسناً .. نعرف جميعا أن البطيخ هو أحد الوجبات الصيفية الرائعة، و لكن هل...
It has been a long day. You are stressed out from work, studies, or...
Not long ago, the concept of vegetarianism was unknown and unpopular, with people who...
We all know the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but...
Summer is moving in closer, and we all want one thing during this time...
During recent years, the biggest debate has been centered around technology – mainly smartphones...
Often times in your weight loss efforts, you may seem to reach a plateau...
In this article, we give you a few pieces of advice that you should...