هل جراحة انقاص الوزن هي خيار للمرضى كبار السن؟ السمنة المفرطة عند المرضى كبار...
What is the Difference and what is the best option for me? Because of...
According to statistics, at least one in three people is trying or has tried...
Some people are able to keep track of their weight. They work out and...
Type2 Diabetes Also known as Diabetes Mellitus, this is the most common form of...
جراحات البدانة : المفاهيم الخاطئة المتعلقة بعلاج السمنة انتشرت مؤخراً جراحات البدانة والسمنة في...
Know Your Options When most people hear about Weight-loss Surgeries, they normally do not...
Is Weight Loss Surgery an option for Older Patients? Obesity in older patients just...
كيف تتخلص من القلق قبل إجراء جراحات السمنة ؟ يعتبر عدم قدرتك عن التخلي...
Weight-Loss Surgery: the first Consultation The very first step towards bariatric surgery is the...