Lebanon (961) 76 377 376 | info@advancedbmi.com

The Gastric Band or Lapband Surgery in Lebanon

How Is It Done?

This is a Restrictive Procedure.

A silicone adjustable gastric band and an adjustment port (two medical devices) are implanted into the patient. The silicone band is placed in the upper region of the stomach in a way so that it divides the stomach into two connected chambers: a main stomach below and a gastric pouch above it. An adjustment port is inserted in the abdominal wall. This port is connected to the gastric band by means of a soft and thin tubing. The surgeon makes use of this adjustment port to administer a saline solution, which is commonly used as IV drips, into the gastric band. The saline solution is used to control the restriction provided by the band, i.e. an increase in the saline solution input makes you feel full faster than before, thereby lowering your appetite. However, the digestion process and nutrient absorption happen in the same way they used to happen before. The gastric band is an appetite controller as it limits the food intake at a single go. This makes you feel full sooner than before. The band creates a stoma which plays a key role in slowing down the rate at which food flows from the gastric pouch to the lower stomach. It is highly useful as you will not feel hungry for a long time, making you involuntarily have excellent control over your appetite.

How Is It Beneficial?

As per various studies, patients lose 50% of their extra weight. In addition, in events of pregnancy, the gastric band is deflated to enable adequate intake of nutrients. It is also deflated to avoid stomach slippage, a serious complication involving the band, induced by vomiting. The risk of death among obese people is reduced by 62% by making use of a gastric band. In addition to this weight loss, if you have any of these conditions, they will improve or be resolved after the surgery:


Gastric Band Lebanon Video

What Are The Risks Involved?

Apart from the general risks of surgery and anesthesia, risks specific to gastric banding include:

  • Band slippage
  • Band erosion into the stomach
  • Port site infection
  • Pouch or esophageal dilatation
  • Reservoir deflation/leak
  • Persistent vomiting (variable)
  • Failure to lose weight (variable and dependent on patient compliance)
  • Acid reflux (variable)
  • Esophageal or gastric perforation
  • Band removal/conversion to another surgical weight loss procedure
Choosing the Hospital

Dr Nagi Safa performs the laparoscopic weight loss surgeries and the single incision weight loss surgeries in:

If you are candidate for Weight Loss Surgery, and wish to know which surgery is best for you, fill out the Patient Questionnaire, and our team will help you decide.

Are You Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Calculate your BODY MASS INDEX (BMI)
BMI = Weight (kg)/ [Height (in meter) * Height (in meter)]
If you have a BMI higher than 30, you are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and many other diseases related to obesity. You could be a candidate for weight loss surgery at Advanced BMI Weight Loss Clinic if you meet any of the following criteria:
Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is equal to or greater than 40 kg/m2

Your BMI is superior to 30, and you have any of these related medical conditions:
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea with or without CPAP machine
  • Joint pain (ankles, knees, hips, lower back)
  • High cholesterol and other lipids
  • Depression
  • You have failed to permanently reduce your weight using nonsurgical methods
  • You have an absence of endocrine disorders that can cause morbid obesity
Contact Advanced BMI

    More on the Gastric Band Surgery in Lebanon by Dr Nagi Safa

    From the book “Your Journey Out of Obesity” – Author: Dr Nagi Jean Safa

    How does the gastric band work?

    With the gastric band, if you try to have more than 4 ounces of food in every meal, you tend to feel uncomfortable and might regurgitate. This is due to unhealthy eating practices, and once you get used to the gastric band, you will learn on your own how to avoid discomfort and regurgitation by eating appropriately. The ultimate result is that, with a control or cap on your appetite at every meal, you will eat less food; as a result, your body will stop accumulating extra calories and will make use of the extra fat to obtain energy. The target is to lose 1 kg on a weekly basis.

    Problems tend to arise as the patients have a limit on the food they consume, which results in the body obtaining fewer vitamins and minerals for absorption. As a result of this, patients must stick to vitamin and mineral supplements, similarly to bariatric surgeries. The restrictions exist only as long as the band is in place. The band can be removed at later stages.


    Situations Where Gastric Banding Surgery Should Not Be Performed

    • Psychiatric disorders which are left untreated
    • Narcotic dependency or substance abuse
    • Cushing’s Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome or any other endocrinal disorders.
    • Suffering of lung diseases that require oxygen therapy
    • Extremely limited mobility
    • Psychological Instability in individuals due to the following reasons: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Denial to consult a psychologist/psychiatrist, Inability to adapt to the changes in diet and in lifestyle after the surgery