Lebanon (961) 76 377 376 | info@advancedbmi.com
We, at Advanced BMI, always provide our patients with the newest and safest technologies available. We are the FIRST and ONLY Weight Loss Center that offers all laparoscopic procedures through Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon and in the Middle East area.

Dr. Nagi Safa is one of the first surgeons in Canada and in the United States to have performed the single port surgery for the gastric plication, the gastric band (ring) and the gastric sleeve surgery. 

He described many single incision techniques in a live demonstration in 2010 at the Canadian Association of General Surgeons in Canada, showing how to perform the gastric sleeve surgery, splenectomy, and many other procedures through the single incision approach. Since then, Dr Safa developed many techniques and adapted his own approach for single incision for many weight loss surgeries. He has performed more than 400 bariatric procedures through single incision. He has also made many live demonstrations throughout the Middle East for this surgery (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2011; Dubai, UAE, 2012…). Dr Nagi Safa offers the Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon for the following procedures: gastric sleeve surgery, gastric plication surgery, gastric band surgery, cholecystectomy.

Dr. Safa teaches his techniques to other surgeons in Canada and the Middle East.
Read more about Dr Safa Search for Dr Safa on Google

What are the benefits of Single Incision Surgery?

About 25% of our patients are opting for a Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon to lose weight fast because of the many benefits it offers:

Cosmetic: because Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon is performed through one incision in the belly button, most patients are left with an inconspicuous scar or no scar at all, unlike other methods which leave visible scars.

Less pain: making one small incision, as opposed to making several or one large one, causes less harm to the body and thus results in less pain after the gastric sleeve surgery, gastric band surgery, and gastric plication surgery.

Faster recovery: Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon allows you to resume work and other daily activities normally faster because it does not cut through the stomach and it causes less pain.

What is Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS)?

Weight loss surgery began as an open surgery where the surgeon would make one long incision along the abdomen, leaving a long scar after surgery.

Then surgeons began adopting the standard laparoscopic approach whereby five small incisions are made in the abdomen through which the instruments and camera are inserted. But this method also leaves the patient with five small scars.

So the Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) was developed. It is performed by making one incision in the umbilicus (belly button). At Advanced BMI, we offer the SILS approach for several surgeries including the gastric band and the sleeve gastrectomy.

We offer single incision gastric sleeve surgery, single incision gastric banding (ring), and single incision gastric plication (LGCP).

Single incision gastric sleeve surgery in Lebanon
Dr. Nagi Safa offers the virtually scarless single incision surgery in Lebanon for the gastric sleeve. In this surgery, he will remove about 80% of the volume of the stomach.

He also removes the part of the stomach that secretes the hunger hormone (ghrelin), which will help you control your appetite and get rid of cravings. Many studies have shown that the level of ghrelin will decrease after the sleeve gastrectomy. After performing the single incision gastric sleeve surgery, Dr. Safa will over sew the staple line to decrease the risk of bleeding and leakage.

The gastric sleeve Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon takes one hour and a half to two hours to complete.

Single incision gastric plication surgery in Lebanon
Dr. Nagi Safa also offers the virtually scarless Single Incision Surgery in Lebanon for gastric plication. The gastric plication takes two hours to complete. During the gastric plication, Dr. Safa will fold the stomach vertically.

The stomach will have a similar shape to the sleeve gastrectomy, the difference being that the stomach will not be cut. Dr. Safa will use non resolvable sutures in order to maintain the plication in the long run. During the gastric plication, we will also fold the area that secretes the hunger hormone, which will result in a significant decrease in the ghrelin levels after the surgery (many studies have proven this).

This will help you control your appetite and control cravings.
